I love most things about the rules right up until battle time and the rock/paper/scissors, nature of the game. Anyway here's the Battle Report.
Empire Army 1500 points on the nose.
Regiment of Spearmen with Archer Detachment and Warrior Priest
Regiment of Swordsmen with Archer Detachment and Warrior Priest
Unit of Inner Circle Knights with Army General
Unit of Pistoleers
1 Great Cannon
1 Captain on a Pegasus w/ Army Standard
1 Unit of Crossbows
2nd Level Wizard(useless waste of lead and paint)
Wood Elf Army 1500 points or there abouts
2 Glade Riders Units
1 Dryad Unit
1 Wardancer Unit
2 Glade Guard bow units(apparently armed with MG42's)
1 Eternal Guard with sharp pointy sticks(I think)
1 Elf Wizard(as useless as mine)
I set up the table a head of time and when Lou showed up, we diced for sides. Lou won and picked the left. Then we diced for first move and Lou won again.
Here's the initial deployment. So here comes the rock paper scissors. I went with abalanced force( I could go shooty too) But I'm facing a ridiculous amount of shooty. The Glade Guard are BS4 and Str 4 Longbows. I'm already at a huge disadvantage and we haven't moved a figure.
Glade Riders and Wardancers.
Glade Guard
More Glade Guard with Eternal Guard in the back.
Glade Riders
From my side of the table.
My Battle Master Knights and Pistoliers
Down the battle line
My 2 Regiments of foot and a Captain on a Pegasus.
I figured the crossbows and a Canon could hold up this flank, Not so much.
The Elves start their move and the Glad Riders swing wide of the Xbows.
In the center the Glade Guard just notch there arrows.
On my left the Dryads, Glade Riders and Some Wardaners move forward. This is a problem since all 3 units I'm facing can skirmish. I should have take more missile troops.
First turn shooting results. The lone xbow dude passes panic test! My first cannon shot goes long.
I move up cautiously to get my Pistoliers in range. I think I killed maybe one or none.
2nd Turn I kill a few more dryads. Oh I almost forgot. My wizard lost all his spells in a magic mishap this turn.
My Archer detachment moves up the the tower. I kill one Dryad and 3 Glade Guard. The Glade Guard panic and flee, big break for me.

And here's my roll.
Looks like I forgot to take some center pictures. Basically I moved forward and used skirmishing archers for cover. I got one archer detachment in the tower. Spear and Pegasus ready to charge Wardancers.
The Dryads charge and I stand and shoot. I get wiped out to the man. I never got to swing.
Gun over run on the right flank.

My lone xbow dude charges the Glade Riders in the rear, they flee!
I charge the Dryads with the knights, break them, and slam into the glade riders
My Captain charges the wardancers and we lock. I should have been more aggressive with him.
My archers in the tower are starting to earn their pay and kill a few here and there. They killed 3 Glade Riders before my Knights hit them. This is where we had to call it. 3 or 4 turns.
The Elves were definitely winning but I was about to wipe out the Glade Riders and Dryads. The Wardancers were in a bit of trouble as My spearmen were going to pile into the fight. On the other hand, I lost 90% of a Crossbow unit. The sole survivor would be dead soon. The Cannon was gone. My Swordsmen reached the enemy line but now had to face The Eternal Guard and Glade guard alone.
Some thoughts on Warhammer. The biggest issue I have always had in Warhammer(and 40k) is the way "who strikes/shoots first". In the earlier versions it was who ever charged first. Now it's who has the highest Initiative. I hate that! It ruins the game for me. In years past I built my armies to mitigate what I hated most about the rules. Lots of shooty/Spears/Detachments/Skirmishers. All in an effort to avoid getting screwed by the rules mechanics, until I could charge. I like simultaneous combat. I really can't see it any other way. That is not to say I haven't had some fun along the way. I have, but that's probably more to gaming with good friends than the rules themselves.
I think Warhammer is going back on the shelf for a few more years. While I find a replacement. Kings of War is out, it suffers the same issue. Clash of Empires? War and Conquest? Write my own? Time will tell.
Sounds painful, but looks fantastic!
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