I picked these guys up at my FLGS a few months ago and with most wargame purchases, it got promptly set aside. I am gearing up for some Dungeon Crawling so they got bumped to the front of the queue. The Bones Kobolds needed someone to lead them into battle, so I checked on Reapers site and found Kobold Leader and Sorcerer. Once they arrived I started to work on them.
This is the 2nd time painting Reaper Bones figures. I know they say you can paint on them out of the box, but I have a ritual and stick to it. I like black primed as my painting base. So I washed and primed them with Army Painter Black. No issues with melting or sticky bones.
Here's the pics:
Here's the pack.
I think I need to get some more.
These are the bones.
Detail is a little soft, but good enough for a Dungeon crawl.
3 Poses, wish there were a few more.
Doh, looking at this picture, I didn't finish the bases with flock, damn it.
These are the 2 metal kobolds, The Sorcerer has spectacles.
I really like this figures. Good crisp detail on the metal ones.
I will flock these tonight so they are 100% done. Hmm I need to finish painting the Dwarven Forge Dungeon Tiles as the Cavern Tiles are coming in Nov/Dec.
Cheers, Xin
maybe this will help: https://www.reapermini.com/Miniatures/kobolds/latest/03064#detail/03064_w_1