Sunday, March 29, 2015

Painted up Wizard's Library

Just a quick post to share some pics of Windswords Accessories bookshelves.

 All Windsword castings. They are just selling casted up Hirst Arts pieces. This is 1 Bedroom, and 2 Bookcase sets, oh and a Fireplace.

Old D&D Prepainted Plastics

Left to right, Old GW Chaso Knight, GW Priest, GW Wizard, GW Noble, D&D, D&D, Gripping Beast Dark Age.

 Lower angle

Comparison shot.

Someone had asked me about durabilty, well as I was putting away the pieces of my photo shoot, I dropped ALL the cast up pieces in the box top there. I have chipped edges, but nothing shattered!


  1. Beautiful job on this library, spells will be created in a great place!
