Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Dwarven Forge Cavern Kickstarter has arrived

My kickstarter order arrived today. That's 2 for 2 Dwarven Forge is on delivering on time. All I can say is WOW. I wish I had spent more money on this when I bought in. Cause this stuff is awesome. I bought 3 sets and 4 add on packs. All unpainted. Buying them painted would be nice, but with unpainted my gaming dollar stretches farther. Here are a ton of pics I took as I opened the boxes.

3 Sets with 3 stretch goal boxes

4 Addon boxes

 Dungeon Passage

Narrow Dungeon Passage

The angled pieces are brilliant.

 Eowyn and Lumpin fight off Frogs

Mixed in some of my painted Dungeon tiles

1 box set worth of tiles. Eowyn is joined by Glorfindle, Elrond and Erestor. The frogs don't stand a chance.

 Cavern Set Piece

Cavern Set Piece

 Cavern Set Piece

 Cavern Set Piece

 Narrow Cavern Addon piece

 Narrow Cavern Addon piece

 Narrow Cavern Addon piece

1 Set and Narrow Add on

I wish I could have gotten more narrow sets

Here is where I really wish I went painted. These are the water tiles

Here is the recessed bottom on the new pieces. Deeper than the dungeon set.

Stretch Goal Pieces. This is where the set really starts to shine.

 Stretch Goal Pieces

 Stretch Goal Pieces

 Stretch Goal Pieces

 Stretch Goal Pieces

 Stretch Goal Pieces

 Stretch Goal Pieces

 Stretch Goal Pieces

 Stretch Goal Pieces

 Stretch Goal Pieces

 Stretch Goal Pieces

 Stretch Goal Pieces

 Carven Set with Narrow set and stretch goal pieces.

 Even unpainted it looks good.

My only regret is I could not afford more. If you can afford to buy these, it's worth it.

Xin out.


  1. I regret not getting the narrow dungeon passages after seeing yours.

  2. I regret not getting more base sets for the free stretch goals and buying the narrow passages later. LOL I think that would have been the better way to go.

  3. Hello, this looks great! I wanna start with DF and I am new to this. After seeing your post, I want to get the cavern set plus stretch goal combination and the narrow passage set. Would you recommend this combination or do you have a better suggestion? I like the set up you have! Thanks for your help, all the best

    1. Hi Oliver. Yes a cavern set plus stretch goals and a Narrow Passage Set will give you a lot of options right out of the gate. And you can add to it as you go along.

    2. Cool!! Thank you so much! I gonna go with this combination then and hopefully gonna add some of their deep cavern kickstarter later! :):) The last three pictures are made with just this combination right? (cavern set plus stretch goal plus 1 narrow passage set)
