First up is some LOTR figures

I bought a random assortment of LOTR figures. Most with missing or broken parts, so I got it very cheap. This is a metal standard bearer. Cost was maybe $1. It had 2 broken legs. I pinned the bottom to the base, and I had an extra Rohan Horse that donated the other leg which also got pinned.
Here are Elrond, Glorfindel and Erestor. Glorfindel's sword blade snapped off during shipping from ebay. I cut off his hand, then took a sword, hand and wrist from one the plastic Elves in the Last Alliance set.
Here are 2 Reaper Bones Werewolves. I painted one a while ago just to see how the Bones line was. It was not bad. I didn't like painting on the white Bones so I primed it black. The 2nd one I did some minor repositioning of the left arm and torso. I cut and pinned them into a new position. Covered up the seems with some green stuff. I should have turned the head as well.
Here is the Reaper Figure Golgoth. This is a big guy. Lots of metal. I went with a simple paint scheme to match my GW skeletons that I will post below. Normally on GW bases I paint the edge green to match my table. In this case and the skeletons I wanted to be able to use in a dungeon as well, so I went with a brown and grey dry brush. Also I used a brown green static grass. It's not great in either setting, but I think it won't stand out in either setting, and that's what I'm going for. I'm like the bases to blend in with the table.
These are GW Vampire Counts Skeletons. I bought them when they first came out, I think 2007. They've sat on my shelf above my painting table since then. Since I am finishing up painting 3 sets of Dwarven Forge Game Tiles I started looking at my lack of dungeon crawl monsters. Once you get them together they paint up easy. Prime black, slather Brown everywhere, drybrush Bleached Bone and most of the figure is done. Paint some rusty armor bits, torn cloths and your good to go. The cool thing about GW sprues is the extra bits you get on the sprues.
Here is Golgoth and his minions ready to kill careless adventurers.
Cheers, Xin
beautiful looking figures!