This past April for spring break I drove the family to Florida. We've done this before and I've seen this huge B-47 Bomber right off 95 in Savanah GA. I always wanted to stop but you know it's a long drive from NJ to FL. Anyway we were making really good time, so I saw the bomber and pulled off.

That's when I found the 8th Airforce Museum, and what a great find! Outside in the parking lot they had an F-4 Phantom and a Mig-17
I parked and went in since we had the time. I said to my kids, who groaned a bit, "It's Daddy's vacation too, sometimes we will do boring stuff".
This place is great and well worth the stop. The front section has lots of displays about the lead up to the war and our entry into the war. Once past that you get to the "airfield". They have the main room sort of like a airfield from Britain. Concret floor with oil stains, tire marks. Walls painted with scenes of the airfield. There's a quasent hut for the flight brief which is actually the begining of a Multimedia Flight exprience, From brief to bomb run and back to England.
Also in the big room is a B-17 that is being restored. I think it's about 85% done. This thing is big and awesome.
Here's all the pictures I took, enjoy.
Cheers, Xin